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Swagbucks After Login Get a Clear White Page Updated FREE

Swagbucks After Login Get a Clear White Page

Statuary Feedback Medal for All Time! 121 Feedbacks

November 16, 2016 0 institute this helpful

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I have weeded out many of my surveys. So many of them I don't authorize to accept the survey afterward wasting my fourth dimension to fill out all the preliminary questions. If I don't qualify after xx attempts. I unsubscribe. The all-time one I take institute is Pinecone inquiry. Y'all get paid $3 per survey except for ones about business firm hold questions.

You get 300 points that you can either save up for products or you can have information technology sent to your Pay Pal business relationship. 300 points =$3. Sometimes they send to a product to try subsequently the survey. You do a follow up survey and get another $3. And of course you can save up points for a larger Pay Pal payment.

August xi, 2010 0 found this helpful

Apologies in advance for the long length. This is just my humble opinion:

I vest to Swagbucks. I however like information technology for the most role. They used to be be better before they started branching out. They used to give more swagbucks for searching than they do at present.

When Swagbucks started getting a fiddling Scrooge-y with the swagbucks awarded for searching I tried doing some of the special offers to brand up for it. I only seem to go credit nigh 40% of the time. It takes quite some time & effort to challenge this*. After sending screenshots of proof and copy & pasting confirmation emails as proof I was told I still did not run into the requirements. What more proof do yous want?!!! I accept stopped doing the special offers except for watching the videos. Those exercise seem to credit for me 95% of the time.

At that place are some shady companies on the offers walls besides. You ameliorate be sure to have a proficient anti-virus, anti-spyware, anti-malware systems on your computer only that goes for any web surfing these days. And be certain to use a split email address yous use only for junk considering information technology volition fill up with spam if you exercise the special offers.

After reading comments on the blog and facebook page I feel Swagbucks is aware of the problems with the special offers walls and yet they cull to do nothing about it. I feel they cheapen the Swagbucks site but apparently they are money makers for them. They are not the but site that has these offers. Many others do to.

The new surveys they offer are the same exact surveys every bit another company but if yous do them through Swagbucks you will merely receive half the amount you would if you signed up directly.

I pretty much stick with doing my searches through them, watching the videos, watching out for the special codes and that is information technology. I get near $xx extra spending coin each month from that. I know others brand a lot more but that is either with referrals or from signing upward for offers you aren't truly interested in or adulterous the organization simply I am non willing to practise that.

Possibly you should try some of the survey sites if you accept had it with swagbucks. I do them through several online places. If you want some some recommendations click on my name to send me a message.

(*I do accept one outstanding special offer that is still in process of being challenged. If they turn down me my points earned on that I Volition be contacting the BBB.)

August 11, 2010 0 found this helpful

I forgot to respond to this role of your message:
"Oh, that 450 swagbucks you need to receive a $5 Amazon gift carte it is more similar 500 to 520 swagbucks to redeem the souvenir carte. If you accept 450 the system will not allow yous to cash in to receive the gift carte. Yes, this website is foul."

Are you sure you did non earn some of the special swagbucks from one of their partner sites? Those can only be used on their partner sites, not the regular swagbucks store.

To check: get to the home folio, (log in), then click view account adjacent to your name in the upper right. If you have points other than the regular they will show upwardly at that place. If you have a few points from a partner site you lot tin spend them on the Swagstakes from the regular swagstore but only in one case your regular points are down to zero. Promise that is non too confusing. If you lot take any questions click my name and send me a message.

August 12, 2010 0 found this helpful

I oasis't done any special offers, just the search. So far take received half-dozen, $5 amazon gift certificates with no trouble at all. As soon every bit get 450 pints I cash in.

August 12, 2010 0 found this helpful

I've gotten $five credited to my paypal account, a set of math tools, and a magazine subscription. No problems, only I don't do the special offers, just search with it. What I think is corking is they don't charge postage stamp. Lots of sites say they give free stuff, only the stamp accuse would more than pay for the stuff. I hope your postal service doesn't discourage people, since most of united states of america who responded are happy with swagbucks.

Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 278 Feedbacks

August 12, 2010 0 establish this helpful

Distressing for your Swagbucks problem. I have washed merely one special offer and it did take about a week to get my one,000 Swagbucks. I had no problem with that site at all. If I do searches I might equally volition go paid for them.

August 12, 2010 0 constitute this helpful

I just wanted to agree with what others have said, I've used & loved swagbucks for years & have never experienced a single issue with the site. I have redeemed many Amazon gift cards & never had to utilize more "SB"'s than posted, I concord it may be a possibility, however, as in that location are a LOT of partner sites & if you accept bucks with say the wwesearch or whatever, y'all tin merely use them at that site's "giftshop". I have many bucks with searchwithMaroon5 that I tin't spend on the SB homepage, only they piece of work but fine at M5'south giftshop (just got a $20 Target giftcard, actually).

I accept been using SwagBucks for years & have not in one case done one of the "special offers", it is clearly stated these are not required & are merely if you really want those SB'due south (like, y'all're close to getting a particular item & just demand a few more SB's), or perhaps are going to buy/endeavour that product anyway. I've gotten all of my SB's from searches & the rare swagcode, and no, I don't spend tons of time searching. I just use SB as my dwelling house page & from there I "search" for the sites I apply every mean solar day (like gmail and Facebook, etc) & I've built upwards a overnice amount of SB'southward simply doing that.

I'chiliad distressing you've had such problem with the site.

August 31, 2010 0 constitute this helpful

Thank you so much for your comments. You all have made my point of view stronger past stating that you do not participate in the special offers.

I posted this alert because when I joined Thrifty Fun I was so thankful for all of the postings that the members gave. All the good (coupons, deals, and thrifty ideas) and all of the bad (this product is not of good quality and this company does not value you equally a client). I want to give back to the site and let the next person know when they are researching Swag Bucks that when it comes to special offers y'all may complete the offer properly and honestly and Swag Bucks volition non credit your business relationship the right amount or may not credit your account at all.

I accept been a member of Swag Bucks since the very beginning, 09 June 2003 when the site was called The site is fun! The idea is quite brilliant, receive virtual bucks for the something that y'all already practice - search the web.

For years I have searched, participated in the polls, collected swag codes, downloaded the toolbar, and completed surveys all the while racking upwards serious swag bucks. I never took advantage of the special offers because my intuition told me that this could be a problem if you had to prove that you truthfully completed the offers. I continued to monitor the special offers and many were completely gratuitous such every bit signing upwards for a newsletter, watching a video, or requesting information for a offer that yous had 18-carat interest. I should have continued to heed to that intuition because it was right all along. The problem simply occurred recently when I decided to participate in the special offers. Please permit me be very very clear. I know every aspect of Swag Bucks. There is a very clear distinction between the codes that are used for the sis sites (which I think are wonderful) and special offers. I am not referring to the swag codes that you receive and tin can be used merely for the sis sites and not prizes at Swag Bucks. I am referring to the special offers like signing upwardly for a newsletter, watching videos, and creating a new account with a company and requesting data to receive swag bucks.When these special offers are completed properly and honestly and so Swag Bucks should credit your account without delay and members should non have to challenge the enquiry with "sending screen shots of proof and copy & pasting confirmation emails as proof". Kaelle, that is outrageous and only strengthens by instance that when it comes to special offers (repeat special offers) Swag Bucks is engaging in fraudulent behavior. I have met some wonderful people because of this site and they all have said stay far away from the special offers. Swag Bucks does not play fair when it comes to the special offers and does not credit your business relationship properly. Kaelle y'all stated, "I only seem to get credit about forty% of the time." That is not fair. If you completed the offer properly then y'all should receive 100% of the swag bucks offered. I know for a fact that Swag Bucks receives a very nice referral fee when members take advantage of these special offers. For Swag Bucks to make a groovy deal of money from our participation in these special offers and and then plough around and not honour the members the proper credit for this participation is just incorrect. With regards to the special offers Swag Bucks is con creative person.

Kaelle, thank you for the heads up in regards to survey sites. I belong to quite a few and dear how I tin can double up and belong to the bodily survey site and nevertheless authorize for the same surveys through Swag Bucks.

I have met then many people that belong to several "swag bucks communities" and after talking to so many people and reading between 45 to 85 posts many people have reported that when they initially tried to redeem their bucks for the $5 Amazon east-gift menu the system would not allow them to consummate the asking. They all had to wait until they had anywhere from 500 to 520 swag bucks in their business relationship in social club to redeem the prize. This is another area that Swag Bucks is not existence completely honest.

Once again, thank you all for your comments. I really value this customs. My intentions with this mail service are true and sincere. Swag Bucks has a B- rating with the Amend Business Bureau. This means that the site has acted less than honest on many occasions and not given proper credit to many member accounts. If my posting does discourage some from joining then that is their decision. Some may have success with the site and by all indications from the BBB rating a lot have not had success with the site. Most of you lot who responded are happy with Swag Bucks because you stay far away from the special offers which is the platform of my post. If I tin save someone the frustration and time past warning them of how shady the special offers are then the goal was met with success.

P.Southward. Kaelle, skillful luck with the one outstanding special offer. I hope that you lot receive the full credit for the offering and at that place will be no demand to contact the BBB. I respect what the BBB stands for only many times they can be very ineffective in getting matters resolved. At the very to the lowest degree your complaint is on record. All-time of luck to yous. =)

December 4, 2010 0 found this helpful

Y'all seem not to empathize that these special offering companies piece of work through all the search and rewards sites, too as many game sites. They have the same poor rails record everywhere. I speak from experience. I exercise special offers on all the sites and on several Facebook games. and the same companies I accept problems with on Swag Bucks, I have problems with elsewhere. Swag Bucks is the only site I utilise that volition go to bat for me with the offer companies, and force them to comply and credit me. The other sites / game companies seem to care less.

This does not make Swag Bucks the scam. It is the offer companies, and I have filed BBB reports against them for being fraudulent, stealing data, and not keeping their contractual obligations.

Take you ever bothered to try following the process? Inquiry with the offer company, and if it does not pan out, follow information technology up with Swag Bucks? Every fourth dimension I follow the process, I get my swagbucks credited, quickly.

I'll tell you i thing- y'all won't get squat if you attempt to employ fake information. Non saying that is what you do, but when you play by the rules, and have the steps necessary, you lot go paid.

Quit blaming Swag Bucks and outset posting your anger about the existent criminal, OfferPal / TapJoy, Gambit, TrialPay, PaymentWall, gWallet, and SuperRewards. They are the fraudulent scammers.

By the style, $300 worth of gift card and PayPal redemptions in the last 4 months is proof that Swag Bucks is not a scam.

And as far as needing more than than the listed price, that is Wrong. You must have had swagbucks from partner sites in your total. If yous go to View Business relationship, you run across only how many regular swagbucks you have, and how many partner bucks. Just yesterday I hit 0 swagbucks ownership a $5 Amazon card.. from 450. Then you are completely misinformed. Sorry.

Dec 4, 2010 0 constitute this helpful

That is a agglomeration of hogwash, Swagbucks is and then non a scam, all of these sites are using the special offers for us to have opportunities to earn more than, they don't own them, they just use them, they don't accept any control over them, they are all ...independent 3rd party companies. I myself would like to run into them pay out for the offers, merely, if they don't that is purely up to Us as the consumer to study their bad business organisation practices to proper channels. Swagbucks does non own or take whatever say in what they decide to pay out, I myself would think it would suck if they were completely removed because, for the offers I do get to credit I've made literally up in the thousands of Swagbucks from them. If they were gone? My Swagbucks account would be poor. lol

December 19, 2010 0 found this helpful

I accept had simply positives with Swagbucks then far. I joined about four months ago and accept redeemed 1 $25 dollar amazon gift certificate and 8 $5 ones so I am pretty happy with them. I only do offers that are free and require no download and with the exception of a few of the many offers I have done, I accept ever been credited so far.

The way to actually earn on swagbucks is to accept people sign upward under you and so yous I go the same amount they go in swagbucks when they search the net. I was fortunate to have three people sign upward under me, and take been able to do good from their searches likewise...however you are only allowed to make m swagbucks off of each referral so shortly they volition drop off and I will only be earning from myself.

I don't think they are a scam, since I know to many people personally that have received their gift certificates, yet I do agree that sometimes you lot don't get credit for an offer yous may try and trying to do a survey on there is a rolling of the eyes feel, merely to telephone call it a scam and to warn people away from it. I don't agree with that assessment at all. Y'all had a very bad feel for certain, and it would certainly go out a negative feeling, but overall I stand with my feelings, that yes you tin can brand some easy enough souvenir certificates, but information technology is a slow procedure unless you have a few referrals, by deadening I hateful that by yourself and with out doing offers, yous will probably but garner up maybe 25 or 30 swagbucks a day, and as stated in the other post, it takes 450 swagbucks to go a amazon $5. gift card. And so if yous want to kick information technology in the behind and get a hundred or more swagbucks a day, you actually need to do the offers or to have a couple of friends sign up nether you, then you don't have to do much of anything.

If I had to give a grade of 1-10 for swagbucks and for it paying out. I would give it between a 7 and a viii.

Apr 20, 2012 0 constitute this helpful

I tried some of the "gratis" offers and out of vii of them I simply become credit for one. Even the ones that say they credit instantly never do. Yes, I clicked on the link sent to me to verify my account. Aye, I provided honest data. What makes information technology worse is the "customer service" link yous need to click to get assist from TrialPay doesn't work.

Surveys in full general are a scam. They collect information from you the second you answer the first question. If five,000 people fill out their age, location, occupation, if they plan to buy or lease a machine in the side by side six months etc etc then they are getting information for gratis. I spent ten minutes on a survey and was asked the same questions over and over then I was told that I did not qualify for the survey.

Swag Bucks isn't a scam merely they don't do anything to assistance members get things resolved and then in a circular about way they are leaving the door open for companies to leech off of members.


September 22, 2012 0 institute this helpful

I currently use the Swag Bucks spider web site. I have simply had an offer non give me swag bucks in one case, I emailed them and got a response dorsum in less than 12 hours, and my bucks were credited. Sad you had such a bad experience, but for most people it's pretty practiced. I'm about to redeem credit for a $25 Barnes & Noble souvenir card, so I have no complaints!


November 10, 2012 0 establish this helpful

I take been using swabucks for about a year now. Very rarely exercise I have an issue with them, like one time, maybe twice. Zilch is total-proof. I take received over $500 in gift cards. Sometimes it does have a while for me to receive my swagbucks, only I notwithstanding get them. It's a adept programme.

February 13, 2013 0 constitute this helpful

I've been using swag bucks for 2 months. I have $200 in souvenir cards, and nearly to buy some other $l one. The offers credit, EXCEPT for Paymentwall offers. You lot are knowingly going into the site for offers. Information technology has a tab and says the company name. I just don't do Paymentwall offers, ever. Swag bucks cannot credit you if the company that posts the offer (ie payment wall) makes a decision not to. Information technology isn't a hoax or scam whatsoever. I love Swagbucks. You should definitely sign up again!

October 12, 2013 i found this helpful

They are closing most of their accounts when yous volition try to reedem ur swagbucks by giving excuses that you are running multiple accounts. If they have to close the accounts why do they expect for 10 days for me and when I attempt to redeem after completing 3700 bucks yheu deactivated my account.

This is a Scam as I know I was using only 1 account and I asked them to provide me the proper noun of other account which I am using they did not answer till now. Don't sign up they volition pay merely 1 out of 1 lac customers.

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November 5, 2013 0 found this helpful

You just have to know what works and what doesn't. I scout videos, searches, and some offers. Most of the time, I don't waste my fourth dimension with surveys because if they don't credit, what a waste of time. I attempt to make the goal everyday because at the terminate of the month, it's a hefty bonus. I'grand suspicious of people who say they've been accused of having multiple accounts when they don't. I've been using them for over a year and that has never been an issue for me and I've cashed $50 nigh every calendar month and a half. I think they know when people are being honest and I find it funny that people get offended for being accused of having multiple accounts and they actually do.


August 16, 2021 0 found this helpful

I accept used Swagbucks for over 5 years. I take always been paid by them. To say that Swagbucks is a scam is inaccurate to the signal of slander.

August 22, 2021 0 establish this helpful

Received the same problems I do not get credit for any of the big offers this site is a complete scam and then I would non even consider dealing with at all anymore. It is complete fraud and don't know how they oasis't been shut down. I accept contacted the company'southward that advertised and told them of complete fraud thats going on and making them look bad simply doing buisness and I canceled whatever the company was selling and that'due south why.

October 26, 2021 0 plant this helpful

I know a way to get around passing the Surveys. You simply lie. Recently they merely got a new partnering program and I have not been booted out of a Survey however.

December 14, 2021 0 found this helpful

I had 530 points yesterday. Today it only says 411. And so I should accept redeemed 500 points yesterday instead of going for the 1000 points. There is no where to ask why this was washed to me.

January 27, 2022 0 constitute this helpful

Total scam. I think we need a course action lawsuit

Swagbucks After Login Get a Clear White Page



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